Cedar Lane Alpacas
About Alpacas
ALPACAS are members of the CAMELID family as are llamas.
The HUACAYA Alpaca has a dense fluffy fleece. The Suri Alpaca has a long lustered fleece.
ALPACAS originated from South America, high in the Andes Mountains of Chile, Peru and Bolivia.
ALPACAS have strong herding instincts and need to have another alpaca as a companion.
A female carries her baby 11-12 months and will give birth to a baby CRIA.
ALPACAS stand about 36” tall at the shoulders, weigh 135-160 lbs and live about 20 years.
ALPACAS come in 22 natural colors.
ALPACAS have padded feet, which are easy on pastures.
ALPACAS are sheared once a year, in the spring so they can stay cool in the summer.
ALPACA fiber is similar to cashmere in its fineness and mohair for its strength; it is warmer, lighter and softer than sheep’s wool.